What can an inexperienced buyer encounter? Due to the fact that it is often difficult to independently assess the listed parameters, the buyer risks: Buying a painting by an “unscrupulous” artist, which will turn out to be an exact copy…
Category: Painting
Interior painting or real painting: what’s the difference?
What makes a painted canvas a work of art? Is there a difference between an interior painting and a painting by contemporary artists? Painting by contemporary artistsIn our opinion, there is definitely a difference. By contemporary painting we mean the…
Madonna and Spindle. Leonardo da Vinci
“The Madonna with a Spindle is a lost painting by Leonardo da Vinci, commissioned around 1501 by Florimunde Robertet, secretary to King Louis XII of France. At least three copies are known, of which two are attributed to da Vinci…
Mona Lisa. Leonardo da Vinci
Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa 1502-1516, 76.8×53 cm. Louvre, Paris.It is perhaps difficult to find a person on the globe who would not be familiar with “Gioconda”. It is undoubtedly the most famous work of the talented Italian. Many of…
The Myth of Ancient Greece in World Painting
The plot from Greek mythology about the abduction of Europe is one of the favorite subjects of world art. Thousands of artists have created canvases based on it.According to the legend, Zeus, who had fallen in love with Europe, appeared…